Section 1. Methodology of law enforcement activities
BLAZHEVICH N.V., The problem of the systematization of the moral qualities of a police officer
KIRICHEK E.V. Organizational and legal peculiarities of the formation and development of civil society and its institutions in Russia (XX – beginning of the XXI century)
ROMANOVA V.V. The correspondence of legal responsibility of the state with other types of legal liability
Section 2. Human rights protection
LYANNOI G.G. Protection of the interests of the owner of the land plot when drafting and approving the territorial planning documents and the general plan of the citу
Section 3. Administrative delictology
KHAMETDINOVA G.F. Preventive registration: the concept and problems of legal regulation
Section 4. Criminal Law
MENSHIKOVA A.G. Variability in sentencing by taking into account the qualifying feature of “extreme cruelty”
KOVAL A.V. Differentiation of liability for bribery in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: problems and prospects
KURSAEV A.V. Ways of obstructing the lawful professional activities of journalists (article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Section 5. Criminology
MAYOROV A.V. The content of the system of victimological counteraction of crime
BRAZHNIKOV D.A., AFANASIEVA O.R., KOVALENKO V.I., MALIKOV S.V. Criminal situation in the Russian Federation: general state and trends
SHATILOVICH S.N. Improving the efficiency of preventing the violations of legality in the activities of the control units officers of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
EMELYANOV V.M., NOVICHKOVA E.E. General measures of preventing the crimes related to illegal manufacture, storage, transportation, sale of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products
Section 6. Penitentiary system
TARASOVA M.I., SMIRNOV I.S., FEDOROVA E.M. Problems of organizing the professional education of convicts in correctional institutions
Section 7. Law enforcement policy
LIPINSKY D.A. To the question of the concept of corruption offence
MAYOROV V.I. Administrative reform in Russia: improving the public administration based on the concept of new public management
Section 8. Criminal рrocedural review
POPOVA O.A. The problems of the implementation of criminalistic recommendations within the framework of the existing criminal procedure law
GERASENKOV V.M. Differentiation of forms of inquiry in the Russian criminal process
Section 9. Improving law enforcement practice
SAKHAROVA E.G. To the question of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation “Ensuring public order and combating crime”
RAVNYUSHKIN A.V. External examination as a measure of ensuring the personal safety of a police officer
PAUTOVA T.A. Peculiarities of the traffic accident scene search
Section 10. Criminalistic provision of law enforcement activities
KHAMIDULLIN R.S. The concept and the content of the tactical operation “involving the suspect (accused) in cooperation by concluding the pre-trial agreement on cooperation”
Section 11. Comparative studies and foreign experience
GOROVENKO S.V. Normative and legal regulation of risk management in the field of road traffic in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Section 12. Personnel, moral and psychological support of law enforcement agencies activities
SOBOLEVSKAYA S.I. Problematic issues concerning the training of experts for the forensic units of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation
STEPANOV R.I. Selection of the content of learning materials for training police officers to interact with deaf people
SHESTAKOV S.A. The problems of political education of law enforcement officers at the present stage
VASILIEVA I.V., VOZZHENIKOVA O.S. The image of a police officer in public consciousness
Section 13. The problems of legal science and law enforcement practice: young researchers’ view
CHEPIK I.V. Problematic issues of bringing to criminal liability for escape from custody committed by a person under detention
MAKSIMOVA V.P. Forms, methods and directions of using special knowledge in order to identify and overcome the counteraction to the investigation of crimes
NIKONOVA Yu.Sh. Forms and methods of state control (supervision)