

Mitkov V.N.

Title of article

Detective counteraction to crimes commited by foreign citizens under the conditions of international cooperation


Section 8. Improving law enforcement practice

Issue, year

3 (33) 2015


Among many international agreements on fighting crime there are no special documents devoted to the detective activities. Relevant norms are included in general treaties and conventions (on the counteraction to certain categories of crime; legal aid for criminal cases). The provisions of some inter-departmental and interstate agreements are criticized. The proposals on their improvement are made. The issues of cooperation between the divisions, conducting detective activities, analogous foreign organizations and international law enforcement agencies, remain unresolved. The legislative regulation of the detective activities in Kazakhstan is considered. It’s recommended to other member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization to use this foreign experience. Such organizations as the Russian National Central Bureau of Interpol, the Counterterrorism Centre of the CIS Member States, Bureau for Coordination of Fight Against Organized Crime and Other Types of Dangerous Crimes on the Territory of the CIS Member States, performing important functions in the sphere of international cooperation in fighting crime (including organized crime), act basing on the international legal agreements. The author proves the necessity to fix the powers of law enforcement agencies to exercise undercover control over the behaviour of foreign individuals during their staying on the Russian territory, as well as to provide legal possibility for conducting detective actions (not limiting the constitutional rights and freedoms) with respect to all the foreign citizens arriving in Russia. Further specification of the legislative prescriptions, regulating the detective activities, in departmental normative acts in order to comply with the state secret security requirements, is proposed.


legal foundations, detective activities, crimes committed by foreign citizens, legal regulation, interstate cooperation.


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