


Baburin V.V., Khomenko A.N., Cheremnova N.A.

Title of article

Criminal law assessment of the actions of law enforcement officers having injured the person who committed the hostage-taking during his apprehension


Criminal Law

Issue, year

1 (31) 2015


The judicial practice incidents involving law enforcement officers having injured the person who committed the hostage-taking during his apprehension are examined. The institute of injury during the offender’s arrest is delimited from other circumstances excluding criminality, its limits are defined. Considering the extreme circumstances of apprehension, social danger of the offender and his reluctance to voluntarily surrender, the authors admit the lawful infliction of grievous bodily harm and death by negligence resulting from the use of firearms by law enforcement officers. The decision on the injury lawfulness depends on the existence of grounds for its causing, its compliance with the situation and danger of the act. The nature of the apprehension measures is determined by the offence gravity and should conform to the situation and the offender’s behavior. If a person voluntarily releases the hostages and surrenders to the authorities prior to the use of force (doesn’t resist during arrest), there’re no grounds for applying Article 38 of the RF Criminal Code. Lawful causing harm to a person guilty of hostage-taking is possible if he tries to escape from the place of holding hostages after intensive armed resistance, not reacting to police preventive measures. It’s summarized that the initial moment of lawful actions provided by Article 38 of the RF Criminal Code is the simultaneous cessation of terrorist’s criminal confrontation with the authorities and holding hostages followed by an attempt to escape from the crime scene. The final moment is his neutralization and apprehension (including possibility of causing physical harm).


harm-doing (injury), apprehension of the offender, hostage-taking, lawfulness.


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